# These ports have been selected to be saved as coloured 2-way HTML files
@Save_As_HTML_TCP_Ports = (21,23,25,79,80,109,110,119,143,513,514,1080,
@Save_As_HTML_UDP_Ports = (53);
# These ports have been selected to be saved as realtime playback scripts
# (telnet, login, and numerous IRC ports)
@Save_As_TCP_Playback_Ports = (23,513,4110,5000,5555,6660,6666,6667,
@Save_As_UDP_Playback_Ports = (7);
Chaosreader presents the information in .html files for easy browsing. When it rebuilds a session, say for telnet, it creates a Perl script that you can run to watch the keystrokes replay in real time. I'm looking forward to seeing the author implement X11 replay. The Review package is supposed to have this capability but I've never tried it.
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