Update: Here's how the Slashdot effect looked to TaoSecurity.com:
Here's how the Slashdot effect looked to this Blog:
My Barnes and Nobles sales rank has dropped from the 40,000 range to 20 -- I've passed Bill Clinton and Harry Potter. :)
My Amazon.com sales rank has dropped from the 20,000 range to 119. Slashdot is absolutely amazing. If you find the Amazon price too high, remember Bookpool has the best deal going -- $27.25 plus shipping.
I'd been tracking the Amazon rank to see if I could make any sense of it. You can watch the Slashdot effect kick in between 5 and 6 pm EDT:
Fri Aug 27 17:00:02 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 20,998
Fri Aug 27 18:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 9,363
Fri Aug 27 19:00:02 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 1,256
Fri Aug 27 20:00:02 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 614
Fri Aug 27 21:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 348
Fri Aug 27 23:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 313
Sat Aug 28 00:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 275
Sat Aug 28 01:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 212
Sat Aug 28 03:00:02 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 188
Sat Aug 28 06:00:01 EDT 2004
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 163
Note: These rankings represent the best-case scenario. Now that the Slashdot effect has ended, I've dropped at both Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble. It was fun while it lasted!
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