Exploit code is here:
Lurking in #snort and #snort-gui on irc.freenode.net, I learned the following about this vulnerability by listening to Marty. I hope he doesn't mind being quoted in the hopes of getting this information out to reassure the community:
roesch: it's a bug that gets manifested by the packet printers in log.c
roesch: if you use the -v switch when you run snort you can
have a problem, if you're not running the tcp protocol
printer in log.c (i.e. using the -v switch or logging in
default ascii logging mode) then you're not affected
roesch: so if you're running snort as an IDS (which most
people are) then you're fine
roesch: the problem is that we increment the opt_count too
early in DecodeTCPOptions
roesch: it crashes when the null ptr is dereferenced in
roesch: a null ptr deref is where we try to look at memory
at address 0 on the computer and it tells us to pi$$ off
roesch: basically
roesch: the problem is on line 3035 of decode.c
roesch: the crash comes on line 1556 of log.c for angeldust
roesch: doesn't seem to be any way to whack
tcp_options[].data pointer
roesch: so I don't think it's remotely exploitable
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