Jumat, 08 April 2005

Two More Pre-Reviews

I have been waiting to get a book on IPv6 for several years. Now that the US Department of Defense is planning to transition all DoD networks to IPv6 by fiscal year 2008 (which begins 1 October 2007), I'm taking a closer look at the new protocol. Earlier this week I received a review copy of IPv6 Network Administration by Niall Murphy and David Malone, published by O'Reilly. This is the most current book on IPv6 available, and I look forward to reading it. A 39 page sample chapter is available at the book's Web site.

I'm especially excited by a second book that arrived this week. It's Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering by Eldad Eilam. This looks like the first book-length, clearly-written title on the subject. There are related books, like Exploiting Software: How to Break Code which feature chapters on reverse engineering; in fact, that book's reversing chapter is online. Security Warrior also provides three chapters on reversing, with the Windows reverse engineering chapter on the book's Web site. I think Eldad Eilam's book is special because it appears to be about nothing but reverse engineering. A 58 page sample chapter is available at the book's Web site.

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