Selasa, 30 Agustus 2005

Request for Help with

Earlier this month I announced work on, a free site providing quality network traffic traces to researchers, analysts, and other members of the digital security community.

We are looking for help in two areas:

  1. Open source content management systems (CMS) experience: We believe we will use a CMS to accept, moderate, and present traffic captures to users. We need help planning and deploying a CMS that will meet our needs.

  2. Open source database experience: We will use an open source database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, as compatible with the CMS we choose. We need help planning and deploying a database schema, and we will need guidance on configuring the database properly. Most of the crew has database experience as it relates to supporting intrusion detection sensors, but storing and retrieving the sorts of data we have in mind is probably outside our daily routine.

We have ideas for additional functionality, but providing ways to accept, moderate, and present traces in Libpcap format is the primary goal of our first version of

If you are interested in helping with either subject, please email richard at taosecurity dot com.

If you have any comments, as always they are welcome here. Thank you.

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