Kamis, 13 Oktober 2005

Bejtlich Quotes in Sourcefire Acquisition Story

Eric B. Parizo mentioned me in his story Snort users fear future under Check Point. One of the quotes appears as follows:

Richard Bejtlich, principal with Washington, D.C.-based consultancy Tao Security, said many fail to realize just how expensive it is to support a product like Snort.

"I've been to Sourcefire, and I've seen how many people they have working on the product and on signatures," Bejtlich said. "They have what seems like millions and millions of racks of equipment. I was surprised they were able to continue with Snort as they did."

That should say "millions and millions of dollars of racks of equipment." I obviously haven't seen millions of racks of anything when I visit Sourcefire!

Also, I appear to have been demoted at my own company. I am not a "principle" at TaoSecurity. My boss must be upset with my performance! :)

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