Senin, 26 Desember 2005

Where Should I Be in 2006?

I just updated my events site at TaoSecurity. I keep track of speaking engagements there. For example, I will speak at DoD Cybercrime, SchmooCon 2006, RSA Conference 2006, the 2006 Rocky Mountain Information Security Conference, and the 2006 Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference.

I will submit tutorial proposals for USENIX 2006 and USENIX Security 2006, and Black Hat USA Training 2006.

What conferences do you attend? Do you think I should try to speak there? Based on your knowledge of my interests (through this blog), what do you think I should discuss? Should I speak to your company or organization? At the moment I have several private Network Security Operations classes on tap for 2006, and my schedule for the first half of the year is already filling.

I appreciate your feedback!

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