Jumat, 30 Juni 2006

Signs of Desperation from Duronio Defense Team

It sounds to me like the Duronio defense team has nothing left in its tank, so it's attacking Keith Jones directly. The latest reporting, UBS Trial: Defense Suggests Witness Altered Evidence, shows how ridiculous the defense team sounds:

"So when you talked about putting pieces of the puzzle together, you were missing three-quarters of the pieces for the [central file server] alone?"" [defense attorney] Adams asked.

"The puzzle pieces I had to put together formed the picture I needed," Jones replied. "If the puzzle was of a boat, then I had enough pieces to form the picture of the boat."

Adams countered, "But you might not see all the other boats around it."

Jones replied, "But the second boat won't get rid of the first boat. It's simple mathematics that when you add data, you don't subtract data. There was nothing in that data set that could remove the data I already had."

It sounds like Keith has more testifying in store for next week. Stay tuned.

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