Rabu, 26 Juli 2006

No PCI Express NICs in PCI Express Graphics Slots?

I own a Shuttle SB81P that has a 32 bit 33 Mhz PCI slot, and a 16x PCI Express slot. Earlier I asked if anyone was using the Intel PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter, since I wanted to use that NIC in the PCI Express slot.

It turns out that I cannot use that NIC in my Shuttle. I got a sense that it might not work when I noticed the Shuttle documentation called the 16x slot a "PCI Express Graphics (PEG)" slot.

I inserted the 4x NIC into the 16x slot, but I could never get the Shuttle to recognize it. I even followed helpful advice from this VMware thread pointing me to Intel's ibautil.exe, which is a DOS utility that probes for Intel cards (among other tasks). It didn't see the PCI Express NIC.

I eventually took the NIC to my friend Hank at NetWitness, and we put the NIC into the PCI Express slot of a Dell 850 server. I booted the server with a FreeBSD 6.1 install CD, and then started a shell. Sure enough, FreeBSD detected em0 and em1 -- two new Intel Pro NICs.

This is probably a stretch, but is anyone using PCI Express NICs in Shuttles? I'm considering buying a new Shuttle, if I can find one that has at least one PCI Express slot that accepts PCI Express NICs. It seems Shuttles like the SB95P V2 have 16x slots (probably for PEG/video) and 1x, which doesn't help me with the 4x Intel Pro NIC.

Alternatively, is anyone using PCI Express NICs in any PCI Express slots that are presumably for graphics cards?

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