Kamis, 05 Oktober 2006

Review of Web Application Security Books Posted

Amazon.com just posted my two reviews on books about Web application security. The first is Hacking Exposed: Web Applications, 2nd Edition by Joel Scambray, Mike Shema, and Caleb Sima. Here is a link to the five star review.

The second is Professional Pen Testing for Web Applications by Andres Andreu. Here is a link to the four star review.

Both reviews share the same introduction.

I recently received copies of Hacking Exposed: Web Applications, 2nd Ed (HE:WA2E) by Joel Scambray, Mike Shema, and Caleb Sima, and Professional Pen Testing for Web Applications (PPTFWA) by Andres Andreu. I read HE:WA2E first, then PPTFWA. Both are excellent books, but I expect potential readers want to know which is best for them. I could honestly recommend readers buy either (or both) books. Most people should start by reading HE:WA2E, and then fill in gaps by reading PPTFWA.

Update: A torrrent for the Web App Honeypot is here. You can download the VMware image directly from Wrox here. The root password is Pa55w0rd.

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