Minggu, 27 Mei 2007

Bejtlich Teaching at USENIX Security

USENIX just posted details on USENIX Security 2007, 6-10 August in Boston, MA. I will be teaching TCP/IP Weapons School, Layers 4-7 on 6-7 June.

This is a sequel to TCP/IP Weapons School, Layers 2-3 at USENIX Annual 2007 in Santa Clara, CA on 21-22 June and TCP/IP Weapons School, Layers 2-3 at Techno Security 2007 in Myrtle Beach, CA on 6-7 June.

The 2 day class I'm teaching at Black Hat on 28-29 and 30-31 July is a condensed version (2 days) of the 4 day series (broken into layers 2-3 and 4-7) for USENIX. I also plan to teach this condensed edition at ForenSec in Regina, SK in September.

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