Selasa, 29 Mei 2007

Clueless Consultants

I'm seeing a common "business of security" theme today, following my post The Peril of Speaker-Sponsors. Ira Winkler writes in If You Have to Ask, You Shouldn't Be Asking:

[S]omeone once attended a presentation that I gave on penetration testing, and then contacted me a year later with an e-mail that basically said, “I finally talked a client into letting me perform a pen test. I don’t know what to do, how to do it, what to charge, or any special legal language that should be in the contract.” My response was basically, “You shouldn’t do the work...”

In today’s message, a consultant from a very large integration firm sent out a message saying that one of their clients wants to scope out integration of a NOC/SOC. He gave a very wide variety of requirements for the facility, and then wanted feedback from a wide variety of people not associated with his company. While I am normally all for helping out a colleague, this person should have either sought this info inside his own organization, which has access to such experts, or just told the client he doesn’t have a clue and to go elsewhere.

I see this problem all the time, in two forms. First, I am frequently asked to perform a variety of tasks for which I do not consider myself an expert. Blog visitors, book readers, and students sometimes expect me to be an expert in another area of security after seeing my work in network security monitoring, network forensics, incident response, and related subjects. When asked to work outside those areas, I always refer the work to colleagues whom I consider to be experts in the task in question. In return, my colleages pass me work they would prefer me to do.

Second, I know many service/consulting companies who will take any job, period. They are managed by people who only care about making "bodies chargeable," preferably over 100% for the week. (That means billing over 40 hours of work to a client, per consultant, per week.) The consultants (1) suffer silently, for fear of losing their jobs; (2) think they can become experts in anything in "10 minutes" (I hear that often); or (3) don't realize that they are clueless, and probably never will. The end result is the service delivered to the client is sub-par at best, or a disaster at worst.

I agree with Ira' last statement:

[T]he mark of a good consultant is one who knows when to turn away work.

In light of that wisdom, consider asking the following question when shopping for a consultant:

What work would you not want to do?

If the answer is "nothing," then walk away.

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