Selasa, 19 Juni 2007

Hired Gun No More

The June 2007 Information Security Magazine features a story called When to Call in the Hired Guns. The magazine includes a chart titled VAR Excellence (.pdf) that mentions TaoSecurity. The selection process seems to have no method to its madness; I only recognize a few of the other companies. Furthermore, I did not pay anything for the listing.

I don't like to see TaoSecurity listed as a "VAR" since I don't sell any products as a regular business offering. It's funny to see TaoSecurity listed in a chart like this, two weeks before I start working at GE.

Now, it would be nice if Information Security Magazine would reinstate my subscription. They dropped me last year, even though I write the Snort Report for a sister publication. I even know a former contributing editor (with his name printed at the beginning of the magazine) who is no longer getting a subscription!

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