Senin, 06 Agustus 2007

Snort Report 8 Posted

My 8th Snort Report on How to Test Snort is now available online. From the start of the article:

"How do I test Snort?" is one of the most popular questions asked on the snort-users mailing list. While a seemingly simple question, the answer depends on your intent. Value-added resellers (VARs) and systems integrators (SIs) may need to provide customers with validation that the network intrusion detection system (IDS) is working as expected. This edition of Snort Report explains what it means to test Snort. I reveal some common misperceptions and offer alternatives to satisfy the majority of readers.

Also note that Snort was posted today. The release notes appear to be the same as those for Snort 2.7.0, both online, in CVS and in the tarball.

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