Kamis, 13 September 2007

Air Force Cyber Command Provisionally at Barksdale

What a busy night. I just read Wynne taps Barksdale to host Cyber Command:

The Air Force Cyber Command will be headquartered, at least on an interim basis, at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne announced Wednesday while visiting Barksdale and the base’s surrounding communities.

Wynne is expected to offer more details about Cyber Command on Tuesday as the part of the Air Force’s Pentagon celebration of its 60th anniversary.

The command will likely be led by a two-star general, officials said. While four-star generals traditionally head Air Force major commands, commands with fewer members, such as Air Force Special Operations Command, have two- or three-star generals in charge.

Like the other major commands, Cyber Command will answer directly to the secretary and the chief of staff.

There had been some consideration that Cyber Command would come under Air Combat Command’s 8th Air Force, headquartered at Barksdale. The 8th oversees much of the service’s computer network defense and information warfare capabilities. The commander of the 8th, Lt. Gen. Robert Elder, has been the service’s point man for mapping out Cyber Command’s structure and requirements for training members and acquiring equipment.

Barksdale won on an interim basis because the Air Force Network Operations Center is there, although this AFNOC Fact Sheet mentions that the AFNOC Network Security Division is at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas and the AFNOC Network Operations Division is at Gunter Annex, Alabama.

I think Air Force Cyber Command will be permanently based in San Antonio (to leverage AFISR Agency) or potentially a base near DC, to facilitate coordination with Ft Meade.

I am really looking forward to attending Victory in Cyberspace, hosted by the Air Force Association:

The Eaker Institute will release a report “Victory in Cyberspace” and host a panel discussion about the Cyberspace domain at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 9, at the National Press Club...

This Eaker Institute Panel will discuss how cyberspace should become equal with air and space in the Air Force’s mission set and how that affects the airman’s profession and the nation’s security priorities. Participants include Lt. Gen. Elder, who commands the Air Force headquarters for cyberspace, global strike and network operations, including establishing a new Cyber Command; Gen. Jumper (ret.), former Chief of Staff of the Air Force; and Lt. Gen. Baker (ret.), former Vice Commander, Air Mobility Command [and one of my AIA commanders].

I expect to hear more about Air Force Cyber Command on the Air Force 60th Birthday on 18 September.

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