Senin, 29 Oktober 2007

Injection Vectors, Are you up for it?

Recently, i had been doing a lot of web penetration test and i realised that most of them suffers from injection flaws. Well, some can be deadly and some were just pretty minor. Well, it doesnt matter whether how severe the injection point is, if your site can be injected, it means that there are still some sanatizing and input validation work which still need to be followed up. Whenever i perform a penetration test on huge organization, scanners are always deemed useless and i have to do it manually with some form of checks i have on a list. Well, i managed to download a list of injection vectors from my friend Andres and that certainly helped me save time on googling for attack vectors. For those who do web penetration test, this will be very useful which will save your hours and hours looking, reading or searching around for information.

****************Start of the injection list*********************************


The Hacka Man

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