Kamis, 17 April 2008


What a great idea for a blog -- CloudSecurity.org:

This blog is dedicated to “Cloud Computing” from an IT security perspective.

Cloud Computing is a nebulous term covering an array of technologies and services including; Grid Computing, Utility Computing, Software as a Service (SaaS), Storage in the Cloud and Virtualization. There is no shortage of buzzwords and definitions differ depending on who you talk to.

The common theme is that computing takes place ‘in the cloud’ - outside of your organisations network.

Semantics aside, there is a much bigger question: what does it all mean from an IT security perspective?

One day (during my working career, I am positive) we will all either 1) be cloud customers or 2) work in the cloud. I am glad to see someone take a stand now to try to understand what that means from a security perspective.

You might also find Craig's other blog -- SecurityWannabe -- to be interesting. He did an interview with one of my Three Wise Men, Ross Anderson, to mark the publication of the likely candidate for Best Book Bejtlich Read in 2008: Security Engineering, 2nd Ed.

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