How does Prospect Theory explain the difficulty of selling the prevention of a security breach? It's a choice between a small sure loss -- the cost of the security product -- and a large risky loss: for example, the results of an attack on one's network... [A]ll things being equal, buyers would rather take the chance that the attack won't happen than suffer the sure loss that comes from purchasing the security product.
Security sellers know this, even if they don't understand why, and are continually trying to frame their products in positive results. That's why you see slogans with the basic message, "We take care of security so you can focus on your business," or carefully crafted ROI models that demonstrate how profitable a security purchase can be. But these never seem to work. Security is fundamentally a negative sell.
One solution is to stoke fear. Fear is a primal emotion, far older than our ability to calculate trade-offs. And when people are truly scared, they're willing to do almost anything to make that feeling go away...
Though effective, fear mongering is not very ethical. The better solution is not to sell security directly, but to include it as part of a more general product or service... Vendors need to build security into the products and services that customers actually want. CIOs should include security as an integral part of everything they budget for...
Security is inherently about avoiding a negative, so you can never ignore the cognitive bias embedded so deeply in the human brain. But if you understand it, you have a better chance of overcoming it.
That neatly summarizes the greatest challenge facing our industry. This problem is compounded by the thought that the further up the corporate ladder one rises, the more likely the manager will "take the chance that the attack won't happen." How many of you have listened to CEOs and other business leaders talk about the need to "take risks," "take a big swing," and so on?
I would add that many customers assume that security is already integrated, when it's not. Furthermore, many customers assume that incidents happen to "someone else," because they are "special," and never to them.
I would be interested in knowing what the risk literature says about people who don't put their own assets at risk, but who put other's assets at risk -- like financial sector traders. Does Bruce's summary -- all things being equal, we tend to be risk-adverse when it comes to gains and risk-seeking when it comes to losses -- apply when other people's assets are being put in jeopardy? (Or is that a universal business problem?)
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