Jumat, 05 September 2008

Microsoft Network Monitor 3.2 Beta for Tracking Traffic Origination

I'm always looking for a tool to map the traffic to or from a host with the process receiving or sending it. Today I noticed that Microsoft Network Monitor offers a beta that appears to have the functionality, according to this Netmon blog post. I visited the Netmon site on Microsoft Connect (registration required) to download beta 3.2. I ran two live capture tests to see what Netmon 3.2 beta would report.

As you can see in this first screen capture, the vast majority of traffic is considered "unknown." I tried using ping.exe in a cmd.exe terminal. I tried using ftp.exe in the same cmd.exe terminal. I used Firefox to watch a YouTube video, and I used Microsoft Media Player to view some video. It seemed that the more time an activity occupied, the more likely Netmon would associate it with the right process. For example, downloading a FreeBSD .iso through Firefox appeared associated with Firefox, but visiting most Web sites did not.

I tried a second session where I updated Adobe Acrobat Reader, launched Skype, and a few other actions. Again the vast majority of traffic is "unknown," although I could tell much of it was caused by launching Skype.

Does anyone else use this program and get different results? Incidentally I took these actions as Administrator to ensure I didn't run into any permissions problems, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference here.

Do you have a program to map traffic to generating processes, live?

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