Senin, 03 November 2008

Snort Report 20 Posted

My 20th Snort Report titled Using Snort 2.8.3 to inspect HTTP traffic has been posted. From the article:

Solution provider takeaway: Solution providers will learn new features in Snort 2.8.3 to improve the granularity of inspecting HTTP traffic.

Welcome to the 20th edition of the Snort Report! In July, we described new features in Snort 2.8.2 and how to identify them when compared to Snort 2.8.0 and intervening releases. Since then, Snort, and 2.8.3 have arrived. In this issue of the Snort Report, we'll use the previously explained techniques to learn what's new in Snort 2.8.3, and then try those techniques ourselves.

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