Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Association of Former Information Warriors

In response to my TaoSecurity Blog post titled Buck Surdu and Greg Conti Ask "Is It Time for a Cyberwarfare Branch?", I decided to create the Association of Former Information Warriors. I set up a LinkedIn Group with the following description:

The Association of Former Information Warriors is a professional networking group for those who once served as military members in information operations (IO) or warfare (IW) units. The mission of the AOFIW is to propose, promote, and debate policies and strategies to preserve, protect, and defend digital national security interests. Candidate members must be referred by current members. Those no longer in military service are candidates for full membership; those currently serving in uniform are candidates for associate membership.

In other words, to join AOFIW you need to know an existing member. This weekend I am going to try kickstarting the membership process by inviting those I personally know and trust to meet these criteria. You must be a LinkedIn user to join the group, since that is the mechanism we will use to vet and accept members.

I'll be posting about AOFIW at the AOIFW Blog, which will offer thoughts from other AOFIW members as we grow the group.

Richard Bejtlich is teaching new classes in Europe and Las Vegas in 2009. Online Europe registration ends by 1 Apr, and seats are filling. "Super Early" Las Vegas registration ends 15 Mar.

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