Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Draft Version of New Keeping FreeBSD Applications Up-To-Date

This is a follow-up to my recent post Draft Version of New Keeping FreeBSD Up-To-Date. I updated the draft Keeping FreeBSD Up-To-Date document at to include new sections on building a kernel and userland on one system and installing on another, and upgrading from one major version of FreeBSD to another via binary upgrades (e.g., 7.1 to 8.0 BETA3, since that just became available).

I have also published another draft document titled Keeping FreeBSD Applications Up-To-Date at That is a follow-up to my 2004 article of the same name that use FreeBSD 5.x for the examples.

The new document includes the following.

FreeBSD Handbook
A Common Linux Experience
Simple Package Installation on FreeBSD
Checking for Vulnerable Packages with Portaudit
FreeBSD Package Repositories
Updating Packages by Deletion and Addition
Introducing the FreeBSD Ports Tree
Updatng the FreeBSD Ports Tree
Installing Portupgrade
Updating Packages Using Portupgrade
Removing Packages
Identifying and Removing Leaf Packages
Preparing to Build and Install Packages Using the Ports Tree
Building and Installing Packages Using the Ports Tree: A Simple Example
Building and Installing Packages Using the Ports Tree: A More Complicated Example
Install Packages Built on One System to Another System
Installing Screen Using a Remote FreeBSD Ports Tree
Reading /usr/ports/UPDATING
My Common Package Update Process

As with the last document, this one reflects my personal system administration habits. For example, I use Portupgrade, although others might prefer Portmaster or Portmanager or something else.

If you'd like to read this draft and provide any comments here, I would appreciate them.

On a related note, I'd like to point to the 2006 article The FreeBSD Ports System by Michel Talon. I found it interesting because it takes a deep look at the ports tree and make comparison to Debian systems.

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