Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Help Bro Project with Short Survey

I've written about Bro before, and I noticed the following mailing list post titled Poll: Bro deployments:

Hello Sites Using Bro,

We'd like to ask for your help. We're in the process of preparing a major funding proposal for improving Bro, focused on: improving the end-user experience (things like comprehensive documentation, polishing rough edges, fixing bugs); and improving performance.

This looks like a potentially excellent opportunity. However, a major element of winning the funding is convincingly demonstrating to the funders that Bro is already well-established across a large & diverse user community.

To develop that framing, we'd like to ask as many of you folks as possible to fill out the small questionaire below. Please send the replies to Robin personally, not to the list (just replying to this mail should do the right thing). Assuming sufficient feedback, we'll post an anonymized summary to the list.

(Of course we already know about many of you, but collecting this information more systematically will allow us to put together a better overall view of the Bro community.)

Thanks a lot in advance,

Vern and Robin

--------- Please send to robin at icir.org -----------------------------

1. Name of deployment site [optional]:

2. We are using Bro

[ ] not yet, but we plan to
[ ] experimentally
[ ] operationally

3. We have done so for about _N_ years.

4. Our site is best described as

[ ] Academia
[ ] Research Lab
[ ] Government
[ ] Industry
[ ] Other (please explain)

5. In its current use, Bro monitors about _N_ systems.

6. Would you be fine with us listing your site by name as a Bro user?

[ ] Yes, however you wish.
[ ] Yes in private to the funders in your grant application, but not publicly.
[ ] No, please use this information only in an anonymized form.

7. Optionally, list up to three improvements you would like to see
in the "Bro world":

If you have any interest in Bro, please consider completing this short survey and email your results to Robin. Thank you!

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