I've created a couple of Vista cmd files that pump netstat output to tasklist to help substitute for the missing`lsof -Ts` in Linux (see below). The TCP/TCPv6 output logs the time, IP address (foreign endpoint), application information. The (stateless) UDP/UDPv6 output just logs time and application information. (See output below). The value of logging network endpoints and their process information is incalculable in security. Mark Russinovich's procmon (when run with the network filter) does this quite thoroughly. Microsoft's Netmon 3.3 correlates endpoint data packets to most applications. However, I was interesting in developing something cmd line, perhaps not so heavy, using all native Vista commands. The crux of the scripts are:
:: pipe appropriate netstat output to tasklist
for /f "tokens=1-5" %%a in ('@netstat -%netstat_option% -p %connection_type% ^| findstr /V Active ^| findstr /V Proto') do set EP=%%c& set PID=%%e& call :loop
::log Endpoint and network process PID
@echo "%timestamp%","%EP%", | findstr /V "ECHO"
@tasklist /FO CSV /V /FI "PID eq %PID%" /NH
With an automated check of network %PID% in place, you can add options to check/log the open files of each network application with the (very slow) 'openfiles' command:
[The 'openfiles' cmd works once global flags are enabled.]
for /f "tokens=1-5" %a in ('openfiles /query /FO TABLE /NH /V') do @if %c==%PID% echo %e >> temp
Adding Mark Russinovich's accesschk will show the security permissions on those files:
for /f %i in ('more temp') do @accesschk -qv %i | more
Medium Mandatory Level (Default) [No-Write-Up]
RW RMFVista\Admin
RW BUILTIN\Administrators
The cmd files can be found here:
5/10/2010 update:
An update which takes any of four arguments (TCP,TCPv6,UDP, UDPv6) and logs to a CSV file output as below can be found at http://www.rmfdevelopment.com/PowerShell_Scripts/ano_all.cmd
ano_all.cmd output for TCP
ano_TCP.cmd output for TCP
(note: It would be trivial to add the connection state as well. I did in ano_all.cmd as remarked above -RMF)
"pctsSvc.exe","3368","Services","0","24,588 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM","0:15:51","N/A"
"Picasa3.exe","4248","Console","1","128,588 K","Running","RMFVista\Admin","0:02:16","Picasa 3"
"chrome.exe","4232","Console","1","79,432 K","Running","RMFVista\Admin","0:01:49","Network Security - Google Chrome"
"chrome.exe","4232","Console","1","79,432 K","Running","RMFVista\Admin","0:01:49","Network Security - Google Chrome"
"chrome.exe","4232","Console","1","79,432 K","Running","RMFVista\Admin","0:01:49","Network Security - Google Chrome"
"chrome.exe","4232","Console","1","79,432 K","Running","RMFVista\Admin","0:01:49","Network Security - Google Chrome"
ano_UDP.cmd output for UDP
(note: No foreign IP addresses ever shows up in Microsoft's netstat for protocol UDP...as far as I can tell.)
"nc.exe","4120","Console","1","572 K","Unknown","RMFVista\Admin","0:00:00","N/A"
"svchost.exe","1196","Services","0","3,400 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE","0:00:01","N/A"
"svchost.exe","636","Services","0","52,188 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM","0:07:36","N/A"
"svchost.exe","636","Services","0","52,188 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM","0:07:36","N/A"
"svchost.exe","1288","Services","0","17,136 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE","0:00:03","N/A"
"VCSW.exe","5644","Services","0","3,540 K","Unknown","NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM","0:00:04","N/A"
lsof (Linux 4.78) sample output
lsof -Ts | grep -i Firefox | grep IPv4
firefox 5756 root 5lu IPv4 22403 TCP>nuq04s01-in-f113.le100.net:www (ESTABLISHED)
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