Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Review of Wireshark Network Analysis Posted

Amazon.com just published my five star review of Wireshark Network Analysis by Laura Chappell. From the review:

Wireshark Network Analysis (WNA) is a very practical, thorough, comprehensive introduction to Wireshark, written in an engaging style and produced in a professional manner. WNA provides a variety of methods for teaching network analysis with Wireshark, including description, screen shots, user-supplied case studies, review questions (with answers), "practice what you've learned" sections, and dozens of network traces (available online). Readers who approach the book as more of a class in printed (text) and electronic (trace file) forms will likely understand the higher-than-normal price tag. Anyone trying to learn how to use Wireshark, including basic protocol analysis, will greatly benefit by reading WNA.

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