Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Bejtlich Teaching Special Session of TCP/IP Weapons School at GTEC DC

Through a custom arrangement with Black Hat I am pleased to announce that I will teach a special session of TCP/IP Weapons School 3.0 at the Government Technology Expo & Conference (GTEC) on Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June 2011 in Washington, DC.

The conference organizers set the price for my class at $2200. I am not sure if the price increases as we get closer to the class date. This is a good opportunity for people in the DC area to attend my TWS 3 class without having to pay for travel to Las Vegas, where I will teach two sessions of TWS 3 at Black Hat USA this summer. I recommend registering soon because I expect this class to fill quickly due to the DC location.

Please let me know if you have any questions by posting a comment or sending email to training [at] taosecurity [dot] com. Thank you.

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