Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Review of Computer Incident Response and Product Security Posted

Amazon.com just published my three star review of Computer Incident Response and Product Security by Damir Rajnovic. From the review:

When I first learned that Cisco Press was publishing a book about product security (Computer Incident Response and Product Security, or CIRAPS), I was excited to see what they might create. Cisco's Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is one of the best in the industry, with a long history and mature processes. Furthermore, no published book currently provides extensive coverage for companies trying to design, build, and run their own PSIRT. Rather than focusing on this topic and thoroughly examining it, however, CIRAPS spends only 100 pages out of a 215 page book talking about PSIRT issues. While there are parts of CIRAPS that I found interesting, I don't think they justify reading the whole book.

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