- gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | % {if ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {$input}}
- gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | % {if ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {$input}} | fl *
- gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | % {if ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {$input | Select -ea 0 IP,DHCP,DNS,WINS}}
- gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapter | % {If ($_.NetEnabled) {$input | Select Caption, Name, Speed, TimeOflastReset,Net*}}
- gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | % {If ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {write "$($_.caption) $($_.IPAddress) $($_.SettingID)"}}
- gwmi -class Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface | % {if ($_.BytesReceivedPersec -ne 0) {write "$($_.Name) $($_.BytesReceivedPersec) $($_.BytesSentPersec)"} }
and a function for retrieve 'PropertySets' of IP information for a list of computers; provided that you can make remote Powershell connectivity work:
function Global:Show-IPinfo {
$HostList | % {
$HostIP=gwmi -computer $input -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration |
% {if ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {$input}}
$PropertySets |
% {foreach ($i in ($HostIP.$input).ReferencedPropertyNames) {write "$($i) : $($HostIP.$i)"}}
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