# RMF Network Security Friday, June 08, 2012 PS CTP3V2
# See http://thinking-about-network-security.blogspot.com/2012/03/evtsys-actually-auditpol-and-auditusr.html for auditpol configuration to accumulate (Security) Kernel counters.
# where do.txt:
# New Process Name:
# Destination Address
# See MS Charting derived Function 'Chart-hashdata'
if ($HashData) {rv HashData}; if ($ArrayData) {rv ArrayData};
[array[]]$ArrayData=get-winevent -log Security -max 1000 |`
where-object {$_.ID -eq 4688 -or $_.ID -eq 5156 -or $_.ID -eq 5157}`
| Select Timecreated,RecordID,ID,@{Name="MessageString"; Expression = {($_.Message |findstr /G:do.txt)}}
foreach ($i in ($ArrayData)) {$HashData+=[ordered]@{$i.RecordID=$i.ID}}
Chart-hashdata line 500 500 "Security Log Audits: New Process and Destination Address Events" Events "EventIDs 4688 or 5156 or 5157"
PS C:\ps1\CTPv3> $Arraydata[0..10] | ft -auto
TimeCreated RecordId Id MessageString
----------- -------- -- -------------
5/30/2012 2:11:35 PM 44766425 4688 New Process Name: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\auditpol.exe
5/30/2012 2:11:35 PM 44766424 4688 New Process Name: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM 44766423 5156 Destination Address:
5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM 44766422 4688 New Process Name: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\auditpol.exe
5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM 44766421 4688 New Process Name: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
5/30/2012 2:11:25 PM 44766420 5156 Destination Address: ff02::1:2
5/30/2012 2:11:19 PM 44766418 5156 Destination Address:
5/30/2012 2:11:19 PM 44766417 5156 Destination Address:
5/30/2012 2:11:19 PM 44766416 5156 Destination Address:
PS C:\ps1\CTPv3> $ArrayData.ID | group | Sort -desc -property Count
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
824 5156 {5156, 5156, 5156, 5156...}
23 4688 {4688, 4688, 4688, 4688...}
7 5157 {5157, 5157, 5157, 5157...}
PS C:\ps1\CTPv3> ($Hashdata | more)[0..10]
Name Value
---- -----
44766425 4688
44766424 4688
44766423 5156
44766422 4688
44766421 4688
44766420 5156
44766418 5156
foreach ($i in $ArrayData){$i | export-csv -notype -append ArrayData.csv}
PS C:\ps1\CTPv3> more ArrayData.csv
"5/30/2012 2:11:35 PM","44766425","4688"," New Process Name: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\auditpol.exe"
"5/30/2012 2:11:35 PM","44766424","4688"," New Process Name: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"
"5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM","44766423","5156"," Destination Address:"
"5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM","44766422","4688"," New Process Name: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\auditpol.exe"
"5/30/2012 2:11:26 PM","44766421","4688"," New Process Name: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"
"5/30/2012 2:11:25 PM","44766420","5156"," Destination Address: ff02::1:2"
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