Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Less Thrashing; Better Queries (Part IV)

I will just keep running with this series until I get sick of [System.Diagnostics.Eventing...].

The code below  compares an exported list of  "Security Audit Events for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2" with a grouped list of the last 10K events from the Security Log. This is a quick way to look at all your security events ordered by count and an appended "Message Summary".

# Working 3:57 PM 9/8/2012
# PS 3.0 Beta

$Security= get-winevent -ea 0  -LogName Security -MaxEvents 10000
$a=$Security | group -property ID -noelement | sort -desc -property count
[array[]]$b=import-csv .\Windows7.csv
[array[]]$c=0..((($B."Event ID").count) - 1) | % -process {
 foreach ($ID in $ {if ($ID -eq $B[$PSItem]."Event ID") `
  {write "$($B[$PSItem]."Event ID") : $($B[$PSItem]."Message Summary")"}}}

PS C:\ps1> $Security=get-winevent -max 10000 Security
PS C:\ps1> $a=$Security | group -property ID -noelement | sort -desc -property count
PS C:\ps1> [array[]]$b=import-csv .\Windows7.csv
PS C:\ps1> [array[]]$c=0..((($B."Event ID").count) - 1) | % -process {
>> foreach ($ID in $ {if ($ID -eq $B[$PSItem]."Event ID") `
>> {write "$($B[$PSItem]."Event ID") : $($B[$PSItem]."Message Summary")"}}}
>> $a
>> $c

Count Name
----- ----
 7683 5156
 2125 5158
  121 4688
   45 5157
    8 4624
    7 4672
    3 5154
    2 4776
    2 4634
    1 4801
    1 4800
    1 4625
    1 4648
4624 : An account was successfully logged on.
4625 : An account failed to log on.
4634 : An account was logged off.
4648 : A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
4672 : Special privileges assigned to new logon.
4688 : A new process has been created.
4776 : The domain controller attempted to validate the credentials for an account.
4800 : The workstation was locked.
4801 : The workstation was unlocked.
5154 : The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted an application or service to listen on a port for incoming connections.
5156 : The Windows Filtering Platform has allowed a connection.
5157 : The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
5158 : The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a bind to a local port.

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