Kamis, 29 November 2012

Beware! Fake Facebook Privacy Notice

Hello readers have you recently got a warning from Facebook, if yes don't worry it's totally fake. A fake privacy notice is spreading very fast on Facebook stating that you have to update your status with a unique message. In it also mentioned that failing do so would result in exposition of your privacy.
Beware! Fake Facebook Privacy Notice
Well this is fake and no way related to facebook. Please reffer to facebook privacy policy which is provided on their website for better understanding your privacy.

Tips To Protect Your Facebook Privacy

  • Never share your personal photos publicly.
  • Choose your privacy while uploading photos or updating status.
  • Publicly shared post & photos can be viewed by anyone.
  • Your personal photos might be misused.
  • You also use other facebook security tool to protect you privacy on facebook.

Additonal Tips By Facebook

You have settings that help you design how your timeline will appear to others, like hiding things from your timeline. Remember that this only impacts whether those things are visible on your timeline. Those posts are still visible elsewhere, like in news feed, on other people's timelines, or in search results. You can delete your own posts from your timeline or activity log, or ask someone else to delete a post you're tagged in.

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