Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Complete FileIce Surveys In 5 Minutes [Tutorial]

Sometimes we get stuck in completing the surveys. We waste hours on completing the surveys but file don't get unlocked. And we are not able to get the file which we need for our uses. Well don't worry about surveys not completing. Here is a simple tutorial to get the file from fileice in few minutes. This tutorial is for Indian Users only as the survey we have to complete is available in India only. User country user can also make use of it by just using Indian IP address

Complete FileIce Survey In 5 Minutes [Tutorial]

We have also been uploading some configs on fileice, so this post is mainly for our users so they don't get stuck with survey and waste their time. Well now just follow below steps carefully and download any file from fileice in just 5 minutes.

Steps To Download From FileIce Easily

  1. First to go to your download link
  2. Now Click on regular download and list for surveys will appear
  3. Now Click on survey stating'Enjoy superfast speed of upto 7.2 MBPs!'Click on survey stating'Enjoy superfast speed of upto 7.2 MBPs!'
  4. After clicking on that link it will open timesdeal subscription page
  5. Now just enter you email id and click submit
  6. After clicking submit you will receive an link to verify your email, just click on that link.
  7. After clicking on that link wait at least 30 seconds and your download will start
    filice survey completed

    You can see in above screenshots that surveys gets completed easily and your file unlocks.
    Visit daily for more tutorial, also like us on facebook and stay updated.

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