# Powershell 3.0 using .NET access to event logs
function WinEvent($EventLogName,$EL_Limit){
mkdir -ea 0 C:\RProgramming
sl -ea 0 C:\RProgramming
$b | export-csv -NoTypeInformation C:\RProgramming\EventLogs.csv
$N=((($b.Log) | sls $EventLogName).LineNumber)[0] - 1
$EventLog=$b[$N].get_Entries()[0..($b[$N].entries.count -1)]
if ($EL_Limit -eq "max") {$EL_Limit = $b[$N].entries.count -1}
$EL_fields=$Eventlog[0..$EL_Limit] | Select EventID,Index,CategoryNumber,EntryType,Source,InstanceID,TimeGenerated,TimeWritten,UserName
$EL_fields | export-csv -NoTypeInformation EventLogFile.csv
$EL_fields | group -noelement -property EventID |
Select @{Name="EventID"; Expression ={[INT]$_.Name}}, Count | sort EventID | ft -auto
EventLog <- read.csv("EventLogFile.csv")
EventIDs <- sort(unique(EventLog$EventID))
EventID <- (subset(EventLog,EventID !="",select=EventID))
EVT_DF <- data.frame(table(EventID))
# EVT_DF$EventID <- as.numeric(EVT_DF$EventID)
#base graphics package
plot(EVT_DF,xlab="EventIDs",ylab="Number of Events",type="p")
barplot(EVT_DF$Freq,names=EventIDs,main="EventLog Counts",xlab="EventIDs",ylab="Number of Events")
# uses lattice graphics package
xyplot(Freq ~ EventID, data=EVT_DF,xlab="EventIDs",ylab="Number of Events",type="p")
barchart(EventID ~ Freq,data=EVT_DF,xlab="Number of Events",ylab="EventIDs",type="s")
Some R output:
EventID Freq
1 1 189
2 2 4
3 6 12
4 12 4
5 13 3
6 17 2
7 18 12
8 19 42
9 22 3
10 26 19
11 27 3
12 33 5
13 35 4
14 37 4
15 42 88
16 89 4
17 105 1
18 109 3
19 133 1
20 201 4
21 206 4
22 245 1
23 1000 11
24 1001 11
25 1013 10
26 1014 64
27 1074 3
28 1116 1
29 1117 1
30 2000 63
31 2001 2
32 2002 2
33 4000 5
34 4001 2
35 5007 2
36 6005 4
37 6006 3
38 6008 1
39 6009 4
40 6013 35
41 7001 4
42 7002 3
43 7011 26
44 7023 3
45 7030 1
46 7031 2
47 7034 4
48 7036 2948
49 7040 140
50 7042 96
51 7043 1
52 7045 6
53 8033 61
54 10001 4
55 10002 2
56 10010 2
57 20001 9
58 20003 16
59 20010 10
60 50036 4
61 50037 3
62 51046 4
63 51047 3
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