Selasa, 23 November 2004

Kudos for Proper Incident Handling at The Register

The UK-based news site The Register was victimized by an advertisement provider, Falk AG, beginning Saturday. The ads served by Falk AG were carriers for the Bofra worm, which uses a buffer overflow in FRAME, IFRAME, and EMBED elements of pre-XP SP2 Internet Explorer.

The Register promptly issued a warning on Sunday morning, followed by a statement on restoration of service this morning. The Register estimates the number of visitors who could have been affected by this event, which is a good way to scope the extent of the incident.

Falk AG has also owned up to the incident, although its wording leaves a little to be desired. From the company's statement:

"Early Saturday morning (20.11.2004) an unauthorized individual exploited a weakness in a load balancer on the European AdSolution network. The purpose of the exploit was to establish a redirect to malicious code through a javascript component of Falk’s ad delivery... Unauthorized access was possible only as a result the intentional exploitation of a weak point of a network load balancer located in the EU datacenter. Once accessed, the individual was able to modify a configuration which forced the redirect to the malicious code."

I like the mention of a "weakness" and a "weak point." That sounds like press-speak for misconfiguration, or unpatched vulnerability. Although Falk has many clients, on Dutch news site has reported on the event, along with The Reg.

According to this site, Falk has a history of serving up Trojaned ads. Maybe that will give me some traffic to inspect for my next book?

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