Minggu, 21 November 2004

OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 Packages for FreeBSD 5.3 RELEASE

Back in January I described installing OpenOffice.org 1.1.0 on FreeBSD 5.2 RELEASE. I used packages from the FreeBSD OpenOffice Porting Team. I am happy to report I installed OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 on FreeBSD 5.3 RELEASE using packages hosted at http://oootranslation.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/ooomisc/FreeBSD/.

The FreeBSD project does not maintain precompiled packages for OpenOffice.org (OOo), presumably because it takes too long for the build cluster to create the packages from source. Therefore, one cannot do 'pkg_add -vr openoffice' and expect to download packages from a FreeBSD FTP site.

This means that you usually download the appropriate OOo package from the aforementioned Web site and execute 'pkg add -v OOo_1.1.3_FreeBSD53Intel_install.tbz' . If you are missing a dependency, however, you must add it manually. Consider what happened when I took these actions:

pkg_add -v OOo_1.1.3_FreeBSD53Intel_install.tbz

Requested space: 274391836 bytes, free space: 4726294528 bytes in /var/tmp/instmp.vf16XV

Package 'openoffice-1.1.3' depends on 'freetype2-2.1.7_3' with 'print/freetype2'


- already installed.

Package 'openoffice-1.1.3' depends on 'expat-1.95.8' with 'textproc/expat2' origin.

- already installed.


Package 'openoffice-1.1.3' depends on 'ORBit-0.5.17_2' with 'devel/ORBit' origin.

pkg_add: could not find package ORBit-0.5.17_2 !

pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failed

Because ORBit was not installed, I added it manually. Then I was able to install the OOo package:

pkg_add -vr ORBit


pkg_add -v OOo_1.1.3_FreeBSD53Intel_install.tbz

extract: Package name is openoffice-1.1.3

extract: CWD to /usr/local

extract: /usr/local/bin/openoffice-1.1.3

extract: /usr/local/bin/openoffice-1.1.3-sagenda

extract: /usr/local/bin/openoffice-1.1.3-scalc


OpenOffice.org Build 1.1.3 Personal Install How-To

Written by: Martin Blapp

OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 will soon been installed in


1 User installation


Just type "openoffice" after you have successfully

installed the package. If there is no installed

OO.org dir in hour homedir, you'll be prompted to

install some files and choose a installed JDK.

The setup installs a "OpenOffice.org1.1.3" folder

in your homedir.

If the setup tells you there is already an installed

version, you may look at the file ".sversionrc" in

your homedir. In this file OpenOffice and StarOffice

have both a line for each version which is installed.

After removing the problematic line you should be able to

install again.

2 Start OO.org


There are some wrappers installed for fast startup.

Add "${PREFIX}/bin/" to your PATH and you will be able

to use them.











When done I ran 'openoffice-1.1.3', which invoked a setup program. When it was finished, I was able to start OOo with the same 'openoffice-1.1.3' command.

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