Jumat, 18 Mei 2007

Page Rank at 4

Hi guys, its been really a long time since i update my blog. These days, i am just pure pure busy with ideas flowing around and trying to make my ideas happen. I am actually doing lotsa research and reading work and putting bits and pieces together once it is ready. I should be starting to code when i make a return trip back to dubai from singapore. Well, i was searching for page ranking of my blog, and to my surprise, just 2 months of blogging and commenting, i got a page rank of 4 which i am so happy. Its like i start from 0 to 4, and now, thats an achivement for me. Check out www.seochat.com. This hardwork and perseverance will be continued on my new project and i hope to make it a success. Till then, drop me an email if you guys want to know more about networking or just say hi and I will be happy. Peace.

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