Minggu, 13 Mei 2007

Third of the Three Wise Men

I just listened to my third of the Three Wise Men, Ross Anderson, courtesy of Gary McGraw's Silver Bullet Podcast. This is another must-heed. During the podcast Prof. Anderson mentioned the following:

  • With respect to secure software development: As tools improve, we continue to "build bigger and better disasters." That echoes a theme in my previous posts.

  • "If someone is going to call themselves a security engineer, then they have to learn how things fail." This means studying history and contemporary security disasters. That's an argument for my National Digital Security Board.

  • Prof. Anderson mentioned potential compulsory registration for security professionals in the UK as a consequence of legislation requiring the registration of bouncers at clubs. Beware such an event here. Talk about unintended consequences.

  • Finally, Prof. Anderson warned of vulnerabilities in Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. For goodness sake, can we slow down the deployment of fundamentally broken technologies?

By the way, not only is the excellent Security Engineering now online, the first 7 chapters can be downloaded in .mp3 format.

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