Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

BGPMon.net Watches BGP Announcements for Free

Thanks to Jeremy Stretch's blog for pointing me to BGPMon.net, a free route monitoring service. This looks like a bare bones, free alternative to Renesys, my favorite commercial vendor in this space.

I created an account at BGPMon.net and decided to watch for route advertisements for Autonomous System (AS) 80, which corresponds to the network my company operates. The idea is that if anyone decides to advertise more specific routes for portions of that net block, and the data provided to BGPMon.net by the Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE) Routing Information Service (RIS) notices the advertisements, I will get an email.

I noticed that RIPE RIS provides dashboards for the prefix or AS 80 with interesting data.

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