It's 2007 and some people still do not know the difference between a threat and a vulnerability. I know these are just the sorts of posts that make me all sorts of new friends, but nothing I say will change their minds anyway. To wit, Threat Modeling Again, Threat Modeling Rules of Thumb:
As you go about filling in the threat model threat list, it’s important to consider the consequences of entering threats and mitigations. While it can be easy to find threats, it is important to realize that all threats have real-world consequences for the development team.
At the end of the day, this process is about ensuring that our customer’s machines aren’t compromised. When we’re deciding which threats need mitigation, we concentrate our efforts on those where the attacker can cause real damage.
When we’re threat modeling, we should ensure that we’ve identified as many of the potential threats as possible (even if you think they’re trivial). At a minimum, the threats we list that we chose to ignore will remain in the document to provide guidance for the future.
Replace every single instance of "threat" in that section with "vulnerability" and the wording will make sense.
Not using the term "threat" properly is a hallmark of Microsoft publications, as mentioned in Preview: The Security Development Lifecycle. I said this in my review of Writing Secure Code, 2nd Ed:The major problem with WSC2E, often shared by Microsoft titles, is the misuse of terms like "threat" and "risk." Unfortunately, the implied meanings of these terms varies depending on Microsoft's context, which is evidence the authors are using the words improperly. It also makes it difficult for me to provide simple substitution rules. Sometimes Microsoft uses "threat" when they really mean "vulnerability." For example, p 94 says "I always assume that a threat will be taken advantage of." Attackers don't take advantage of threats; they ARE threats. Attackers take advantage of vulnerabilities.
Sometimes Microsoft uses terms properly, like the discussion of denial of service as an "attack" in ch 17. Unfortunately, Microsoft's mislabeled STRIDE model supposedly outlines "threats" like "Denial of service." Argh -- STRIDE is just an inverted CIA AAA model, where STRIDE elements are attacks, not "threats." Microsoft also sometimes says "threat" when they mean "risk." The two are not synonyms. Consider this from p 87: "the only viable software solution is to reduce the overall threat probability or risk to an acceptable level, and that is the ultimate goal of 'threat analysis.'" Here we see confusing threat and risk, and calling what is really risk analysis a "threat analysis." Finally, whenever you read "threat trees," think "attack trees" -- and remember Bruce Schneier worked hard on these but is apparently ignored by Microsoft.
These sentiments reappeared in my review of Security Development Lifecycle: Microsoft continues its pattern of misusing terms like "threat" that started with "Threat Modeling" and WSC2E. SDL demonstrates some movement on the part of the book's authors towards more acceptable usage, however. Material previously discussed in a "Threat Modeling" chapter in WSC2E now appears in a chapter called "Risk Analysis" (ch 9) -- but within the chapter, the terms are mostly still corrupted. Many times Microsoft misuses the term risk too. For example, p 94 says "The Security Risk Assessment is used to determine the system's level of vulnerability to attack." If you're making that decision, it's a vulnerability assessment; when you incorporate threat and asset value calculations with vulnerabilities, that's true risk assessment.
The authors try to deflect what I expect was criticism of their term misuse in previous books. On p 102 they say "The meaning of the word threat is much debated. In this book, a threat is defined as an attacker's objective." The problem with this definition is that it exposes the problems with their terminology. The authors make me cringe when I read phrases like "threats to the system ranked by risk" (p 103) or "spoofing threats risk ranking." On p 104, they are really talking about vulnerabilities when they write "All threats are uncovered through the analysis process." The one time they do use threat properly, it shows their definition is nonsensical: "consider the insider-threat scenario -- should your product protect against attackers who work for your company?" If you recognize that a threat is a party with the capabilities and intentions to exploit a vulnerability in an asset, then Microsoft is describing insiders appropriately -- but not as "an attacker's objective."
Don't get me wrong -- there's a lot to like about SDL. I gave the book four stars, and I think it would be good to read it. I fear, though, that this is another book distributed to Microsoft developers and managers riddled with sometimes confusing or outright wrong ways to think about security. This produces lasting problems that degrade the community's ability to discuss and solve software security problems.
No one is going to take us seriously until we use the right terms. Argh.
Senin, 01 Oktober 2007
Someone Please Explain Threats to Microsoft
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